Sunday, October 5, 2014

Let the Right Vampire In

Now I haven’t seen many Vampire movies or read that many vampire books for one simple reason.  On my list of badass fantasy creatures, vampires only come in on number 17.  That being said, this doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy reading or watching them.  This week I really want to highlight one of the movies that we were suppose to watch.

Let the Right One In is a movie I saw a while ago when it first came out in 2008, and to be honest I forgot what it was about.  What I did remember is that I liked it.  That was enough for me to pick it up again.  Watching it I began to remember things and I thought it was really enjoyable even though it would be the second time watching it.

            One thing about watching this movie again, is that it made me realize something about vampires. Although Humans are their pray, they have a fondness over them.  Yes, I know this is incredibly apparent, but is a trait that I believe most people over look.  They don’t have a fondness over humans because they are similr.  I think they have this fondness because of their human roots.  They were human at one point (assuming vampirism is transferred through contact), and because of that they have a human nature.

            If you notice, vampires are experts on humans.  They always know how they will act and what they will do.  Their motives are either sympathetic or Power hungry both qualities that originated from humans. Their powers as well seem to be super human, but literally human.  As in they are a superior human, and not necessarily a different species.  Which raises the question.  Is this because humans were the creators of the vampire archtype, or in the creation of this creature did they want to give it a human base to work with.  Did this design happen by accident?

            As always its very interesting to see peoples take on monsters, because everyone interprets them different.  Thus we have an endless stream of content.

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